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Image by Joshua Sortino

Introduktion till händelsestyrda system med AxonIQ

Vill ni få djupare insikter i användares aktiviteter via inbyggd spårbarhet och löpande analys av händelser i era system, men är osäker på hur det ska implementeras? 


Vill ni få en tydligare bild av hur ni skapar skalbara och robusta molnlösningar?


Som en del av vårt partnerskap med AxonIQ erbjuder vi nu ett gratis seminarium för er organisation. Under en timme inspirerar Marc Klefter, Technical Lead på Edument’s Cloud Center, er kring hur ni skapar skalbara och robusta molnlösningar med AxonIQ’s marknadsledande plattform för händelsestyrda mikrotjänster. 


Fyll i formuläret så kontaktar vi er inom kort och bokar en tid.


För vem?

Detta seminarium är till för dig som exempelvis är utvecklare, arkitekt, produktansvarig eller CTO, samt för dig som är icke-teknisk men arbetar med ovanstående frågeställningar.


Organisations facing demanding and rapidly changing business requirements have increasingly turned to event-driven microservices as an architecture for building distributed applications and services; this approach offers flexibility to evolve and scale a system to meet commercial needs and create competitive advantages. Established principles such as CQRS, Event Sourcing and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) are key underpinnings for this type of software, manifesting auditing and analytics capabilities that provide actionable insights from the behavior of your customers.


Building these mission-critical solutions from scratch is a major undertaking in terms of time and resources; AxonIQ's comprehensive product suite helps creating robust, high-performant and loosely-coupled microservices, while significantly shortening time-to-market. The popular, open-source Axon Framework and its programming model makes it easy to apply the aforementioned principles to develop scalable and extensible applications, and Axon Server provides essential infrastructure services for event storage and routing.


If you want to gain an understanding of event-driven microservices and AxonIQ's technology stack, and its applicability to a new project or the migration of a legacy system, join Marc Klefter - Tech Lead of Edument's Cloud Center and responsible for AxonIQ projects - in a free, one-hour session as he walks you through the following:


- An overview of key architectural patterns such as CQRS and Event Sourcing.


- Preparing an organisation for the event-driven approach to building software.


- The Axon Framework and Axon Server.


Open to technical and non-technical stakeholders alike, book this seminar to get an exclusive look at how event-driven microservices and Axon's technology stack can establish a solid foundation for embracing the future of your business.


(this seminar is offered in both English and Swedish)


Marc Klefter

Technical Lead på Eduments Cloud Native Applications solution ares och ansvarig för projekt med AxonIQ 

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