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We explore and develop systems, people and companies; and make them grow through our technical competence and experience.



Edument AB was founded in 2010 by Acke Salem and Tore Nestenius in Helsingborg. At the time, there was a lack of services in the development sector that offered both training and mentorship. Hence the company name Edument which stands forEDUcation andMENTorship.

+ 15,000

Since the beginning, our focus has been on improving the skills of software developers and teams. With over 150 written course books and + 15,000 course opportunities, we have and continue to train software developers and tech teams.


Since the beginning, we have helped our customers develop their software and business. Such as digitizing their processes and interacting tools, developnew software, rebuilding the architecture, choice of technology and tools for developers.

Are you looking for POC or an external R&D department?
We will help you.

We take on software projects from idea to finished product and help companies on a daily basis through coding, architecture or why not the developer environment itself?

Edument Training

We develop software developers' skills with courses designed for and by software developers.

Edument Solutions

We help you choose the right technology, build the architecture, the processes and develop software that is scalable.

Acke Salem

At Edument, we believe in interdisciplinary where our customers have domain knowledge and we have the technical expertise. Together we create innovation. By sharing ours and sharing others' knowledge, we can create change and develop sustainable technical solutions!  

- Acke Salem, CEO & Founder

Weon Edument:

Kreativa utvecklare

We Explore

What sets us all apart at Edument is our curiosity. The desire to teach us new things. If it is future technologies in our areas or how a 3D printer works. This is also shown in many leisure projects, everything from Comma IDE, the computer game Cathedral, how to solve Rubikskub with AI to Open source projects and VR experiences. We believe in knowledge. By sharing ours and sharing others' knowledge, we can create innovation!

We Develop

For over 10 years we have trained system developers both nationally and internationally. We have and deliver customer projects that require a solid technical knowledge and a well-functioning team as well as an understanding of the customer's business. By being involved in various projects and industries, we quickly see strengths and weaknesses in new technologies and find solutions before others. Maybe that's why our customers return to us with their complex IT challenges. If you have a project that requires expertise in Cloud, architecture or developer tools, contact us!

Systemutvecklare tillsammans

We Grow

As the market has changed, our expertise has also been in demand in the startup scene. That's how we started our Teknikhubb, a tech team for startups. Here, entrepreneurs, researchers or why not other developers can take advantage of our expertise and experience in software, business and marketing strategies to take their business idea to the next level and make it grow. 

Are you looking for POC or an external R&D department?
We will help you.

We take on software projects from idea to finished product and help companies on a daily basis through coding, architecture or why not the developer environment itself?

Our history

Edument AB was founded in 2010 by Acke Salem and Tore Nestenius in Helsingborg. They met for the first time at a conference where they began to discuss the lack of services in the development sector that included both education and mentorship. Hence the company name which derives from just EDU cation and MENT orship. Over the years, we have authored over 150 textbooks and trained thousands of developers around the world since then.  


-  To always be at the forefront, we spent 40 percent of our working time learning new techniques, but also developing courses and other products that we could sell. This has been with us for all these years, says Acke Salem.


Since 2010, the market, our customers and the need for our expertise have constantly developed and so has our offering. Today, for example, we can offer more top areas within our in-house teams depending on what needs you have for e.g. Proof of concept, DD or as an external R&D partner.

Tore Nestenius och Acke Salem
Kontakta oss

Contact us

Feel free to come by our office or contact us by phone or e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Tel:  +46 40 - 61 70 720

You can also directly contact someone in our team>

Our head office is located at Kullagatan 21 in Helsingborg. We also work from Malmö, Gothenburg and Prague.


We explore and develop people, systems and companies and make them grow through our technical competence and experience.

Drottninggatan 20
252 20 Helsingborg

© 2023

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